Back-to-School Jam, Community Day, Health Fair & School Supplies Give Away

2017 Health Fair and Back to School Jam. Click Here to read the full article.
Members of “Evanston Own It” Initiative Provide $13,500 Donation for 2016

On Monday, July 27, members of the “Evanston Own It” initiative donated all of the proceeds from its June 19 choir concert, “Evanston Sings,” totaling $13,500, to the City of Evanston’s Youth & Youth Adult Division to help fund the 2016 Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program. The donation was presented at the Evanston City Council meeting by Pastor Zollie Webb, Pastor Clifford Wilson, and Reverend Patricia A. Efiom.
“We are committed to providing our youth with meaningful opportunities to come to know and be in partnership with the larger community. We believe that through ‘Evanston Own It’ we will help to create a stronger, safer Evanston,” said Rev. Efiom of Ebenezer AME Church.
Throughout the year, faith organizations have hosted a series of educational and informational events and activities that encourage community involvement in reducing the amount of youth violence in Evanston. The faith organizations include Bethel AME Church, Christ Temple Missionary Baptist Church, Ebenezer AME Church, Faith Temple Church of God in Christ, First Church of God Christian Life Center, Fisher Memorial AME Zion Church, Friendship Baptist Church, Mount Pisgah Ministry, Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, New Beginnings North Shore Church, New Hope CME Church, Second Baptist Church, Sherman United Methodist Church, and Springfield Baptist Church. For a list of upcoming events, visit
The “Evanston Own It” proclamation is a result of a meeting of faith leaders and Mayor Tisdahl in July 2014. It acknowledges that every resident deserves to live in a safe, caring community and take ownership of everything that happens throughout the city despite where they live.
Our donation to the Summer Youth Job program has been ongoing since 2016.
The GAP Ministry Adopt-A-Family & Annual Church Coat Drive
The Gap Ministry participated in “The Adopt A Family Campaign” through the Heartland Health Alliance, in December, 2018.
After signing up to participate in November of 2018, we were assigned a young mother (22 years old) along with her 4 year old daughter, and soon to be newborn baby boy.
This is our third year participating and we hope to continue this effort every year. We were happy to also use some items from our coat drive to provide cold winter gear to this family as well.
Partnership Project with Evanston Public Library
In partnership with the Evanston Public Library, Bethel hosted a series of free computer classes for the community. Click Here to read the EPL annual report that describes the work that is being done in partnership with Bethel AME Church, the 5th Ward, and other organization throughout the community!!
Thanks, EPL for the work that you are doing in Evanston!!
Matthew 25:35-36 says, “..for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me,” and provides an admonishment to reach out to those in our community who are in need. Bethel continues to respond to Christ’s words by preparing wholesome meals, on a weekly basis, for those living at Hilda’s Place.